
May 2020 Study Published in JAMA Shows Knee OA Patients Treated with Apos® Experienced Significant Pain Reduction

An independent double-blind RCT study published in May 2020 by the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that 92% of the patients treated with Apos® reported more than a 30% reduction in pain while 83% reported more than a 50% reduction in pain.

Leading musculoskeletal physicians, including David Felson, MD, MPH, Stephan Reichenbach, MD, MSc, and Peter Jüni, MD, conducted an independent, randomized, placebo-controlled level 1 study utilizing an individualized, non-invasive biomechanical footwear system called Apos®.

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine, the University of Bern Switzerland, and the University of Toronto studied two hundred twenty patients with knee osteoarthritis. The patients included in the study were randomized to either Apos® or a similar-looking control device. The primary outcome measure was the patient-reported change in pain, while the secondary outcome measures included function, quality of life, gait patterns and adverse events at six months. The study demonstrated that Apos® significantly reduced pain associated with knee osteoarthritis, while also improving patients’ physical function and stiffness.

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