
A non-invasive technology for correcting biomechanics

Meet Apos®

Introducing an innovative solution to help the body help itself relieve chronic knee,3,24 hip,28,29 or back26,27 pain effortlessly while wearing just 1 hour a day in the comfort of one’s home.

How Apos® is different

Apos® works on biomechanical and neuromuscular levels. Using a patented, foot-worn device as part of a daily treatment program, Apos® is designed to address the underlying causes of pain by temporarily shifting pressure from affected areas.

The neuromuscular re-education of the muscles results in a healthier walking pattern, even when not actively wearing the device.43

Apos® is clinically proven and FDA Cleared1 for knee OA

Over 40 peer-reviewed clinical studies document the positive impact of Apos®.

It’s not magic,
it’s science.

Neuromuscular retraining
The pods’ convexity creates micro-instability that increases proprioception and re-educates neuromuscular pathways43.

Biomechanical redistribution
Custom “pod” positioning changes the patient’s biomechanics, improves their gait, and directs forces away from unhealthy joint compartments7.

Initial Assessment

Computerized gait test

The Apos® device is customized and calibrated at the initial assessment.


Passive home treatment

Simply wearing the device for about an hour daily around the home re-educates gait.43

Recalibration visits

Increased ‘pod’ convexity every few months challenges the patient’s muscles to improve in stability45 and coordination.43

Live Again

Getting back to life

The neuromuscular training leads to lasting pain relief43 and improved function43 even when not wearing the device.43

Initial Assessment


Live Again

Computerized gait test

The Apos® device is customized and calibrated at the initial assessment.

Passive home treatment

Simply wearing the device for about an hour daily around the home re-educates gait.43

Recalibration visits

Increased ‘pod’ convexity every few months challenges the patient’s muscles to improve in stability45 and coordination.43

Getting back to life

The neuromuscular training leads to lasting pain relief43 and improved function43 even when not wearing the device.43

Getting your clinicians to be an Apos® Trained Professional (ATP) is now easier than ever.

Clinicians who successfully complete this course will be recognized as an Apos® Trained Professional (ATP). A resume booster for your clinicians!

1 Day Training
In Classroom

Up To 2 Days Of Real Patient Hands-On Experience

Start using Apos® for your patients

Complete the form below to be contacted by our Apos® business development team.

Before you go…

Don’t miss out on this must-read e-book
Your knees and back will thank you!.

Check out our e-book of Myths & Facts About Knee & Back Pain.

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