The Newsletter Does Not Provide Medical Advice
The contents of the newsletter, such as text, graphics, images, and other materials created by AposHealth or obtained from AposHealth’s licensors, and other materials contained on the AposHealth newsletter (collectively, “Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the AposHealth website!
90% Delay surgery1 | 98% Recommend2 | 70% Reduction in pain 3 |
60% improvement in function and mobility4 | 96% satisfaction rate5 |
1) Bar-Ziv et. ai. in Arthritis (2013) – A controlled study (n=56) looking at 2-yrs clinical outcome and surgery delay of patients treated with Apos® (n=40) compared to traditional care (n=16) following daily treatment. Similar results were also observed by real-world clinical data (n=176, n=365) from two independent medical institutions, with 90% delaying TKR surgery after 2 years.
2) According to an internal patient satisfaction survey of National Health Services patients in the UK with knee osteoarthritis, 98% said they would recommend Apos® to friends and family.
3) According to a study published by Reichenbach S. et al. in JAMA (2020), after 6 months of treatment, knee osteoarthritis patients treated with Apos® (n=111) reported 70% pain reduction (WOMAC) on average compared to 35% in the active controls (n=109).
4) Based on data captured at 3rd follow-up appointment, based on the commercial activity with National Health Service patients in the UK treated between 2019-2020, indicated a 96% satisfaction rate with the treatment.
5) According to a study published by Reichenbach S. et al. in JAMA (2020), after 6 months of treatment, knee osteoarthritis patients treated with Apos® (n=111) reported 60% better function (WOMAC) on average compared to 29% in the active controls (n=109).